Do you dread the look and feel of your office? 

Once you learn to set up and organize your office for attracting optimal, energy, clarity and success, you will finally love your space and be motivated to get work done!


Does any of this sound like you?

  • You're ready to transform your office into a space you love?

  • Struggling to complete projects on time?

  • Finding it hard to focus with clutter everywhere?

  • Embarrassed to show your office on screen during meetings?

  • Feeling overwhelmed by the thought of creating a functional workspace?

  • Tired of your office feeling like a cubicle?

  • Want to incorporate Feng Shui, but don't know where to start?

  • Dreaming of an office that sparks creativity?

  • Want to set up your office to grow your business?


If so, you're in the right place & we're going to get your office set up to support your dreams!

What the community is saying about

Setting Your Office Up for Success...

"Well literally within a week after applying what you told me to, my life and business have opened up. Within a week I’ve gone from just having enough to having more money this month than I have ever had in my career. Ok you just turned a skeptic into a believer! Thank you, thank you." ~ CM, USA

"I highly recommend this course. I'm so grateful for the space and the invitation you are to us!" ~ RS, USA

Here's a fun question for you... 

Imagine if your office not only motivated you to create, but was also energetically set up to support your dreams...

→ IMAGINE waking up excited to start your day, ready to create & thrive.

→ When you walk into your office it feels like an energetic hug; it lights you up. 

→ Everything in your office has its place, making life easier & giving you more time to focus on what matters most.

→You spend time in this incredible space, running your business with joy, abundance & ease. 

→Your business & life transform simply by realigning your office to support your goals.

→Wherever you are in the world, you can create an office space that supports you!

→You LOVE your office, because it actively contributes to your big vision & resonates with both you & your clients! 

→ BEST of all... 

→ With increased efficiency, clarity & a space that works for you, you achieve greater success-making more money than ever before!

It's not magic, it's energy.

Let me show you how you'll transform your office from "meh" and unmotivated to "getting it done" and getting it done BEAUTIFULLY.  

I've been optimizing spaces for 3 decades! And I've broken the process down into 

6 Simple Steps to Transform Your Office

Let me show you... 


Understand How Your Home Office's Energy Affects Your Life & Business

Your office reflects how your life & business may be challenged. Learn strategies to read & change your spaces energy to uplift for success of your business.


Design Your Ideal Home Office Space

'Design' sounds expensive - but it doesn't have to be! Discover how to lay a strong foundation for your life & business's success, beginning with your physical space.


Out With The Old - In With The New

Come face to face with what's holding you back & blocking you from creating a workspace that sparks creativity & joy - & the freedom you desire 


Get To Know Your Working Style

Are you someone that likes a cozy style, formal style, traditional office or an open concept to work in? Do you prefer a shared space or like to work on your own? 


Navigating Trial and Error

Your space is unique, you are encouraged to experiment with what works best for you. Using the techniques, you will learn to troubleshoot issues, & focus on what truly matters.


Moving Forward

Aligning your office space is one of the key areas to a happier, more fulfilling life.  Once balanced, you'll thrive & feel free.  This roadmap works anywhere for anyone!


Setting Your Office Up For Success


The ONLY home office makeover Evergreen Program exclusively for those seeking to transform your home office into an inspiring, motivating space, that fuels a life & business beyond your wildest dreams.


BONUS: if you're interested in incorporating energetics, Feng Shui, Geomancy, and Vastu for an energetically optimized workspace that propels your business to new heights, this program is your perfect match!

Don't believe me? Here's what our past students are saying... 

"Lisa, I didn’t know what direction my life was going. I was truly lost having been laid off for an indeterminate time. And then an email from you came... something told me to just click it." J, USA
"I definitely view my place differently now, and it is a work in progress, but I am beyond happy & truly grateful"~ CS, Brazil 
"I had a chaotic room that I resisted (10 years of accumulation)and said to myself: why not try to make it a business office and declutter the room at the same time.
The most surprising part of this program: decluttering at lightning speed (6 weeks), making this place "a joyful and nourishing space for creation" and reconnecting with my talents."
~ Thank you ~ Laurence, France 


"This year I have stepped up with my business, I am more consistent than I have ever been in my life and creating things in my business.  Always been firm believer of our spaces reflecting back to us"~ UB, Canada


Meet Lisa Benitz

Founder of Creating Conscious Spaces®.

Lisa is known internationally as the Space Whisperer™, combining her love of physical spaces and energy into this specialized program tailored to your office space. Whether you work from home, in a cubicle or on the go, you'll  discover how to transform your office into a hub for a thriving business.

"Changing YOUR  World One Space at a Time"



Hear what Rocio is saying about working with Lisa.

By the end of this course...
you will have a completely transformed home office - that sets YOU up for success - no more excuses!


"love when my job creates time for me to change my new offices for success and get paid  ~ Laurence, France

When you join

Setting Your Office Up For Success

You'll get instant access to... 

  • Lifetime Access to all 9 Modules.             $1997
    • Welcome
    • Your Story
    • Starting From Where You Are
    • Mapping Your Space
    • Are You Open Or Closed
    • Playing With Energy
    • Removing & Recognizing Blocks
    • Systems
    • Your Office Space
    • Your Business & Future
    • Bonuses
  • Hands On Techniques For Improving Your Office Layout 
  • Establishing What Works Best In Your Space 
  • Creating An Inviting Work Space 
  • Learning Practical Advice On What Furniture To Keep & What to Let Go Of
  • Learn The Best Position For You In Your Space
  • Feel Confident & Supported Moving Forward In Your Life 


 + Private Interactive Facebook group 


Total Course Value: $1997

Get lifetime access to ALL course materials for just $197 USD today!

Sign me up!

I will never underestimate our spaces. My life has turned around I am so grateful for you." -Hugs JK, USA


Excited to see my business expanding from the space that I am in, by just shifting and opening up my office.  YC, China


This program creates a foundation for your business and the rest of your life ~ CT, UK


Setting Your Office Up For Success Program


$1997 Value

    • Lifetime Access to all 9 Modules. 
    • Hands-On Techniques For Improving Your Office Layout 
    • Establishing What Works Best In Your Space 
    • Creating An Inviting Work Space 
    • Learning Practical Advice On What Furniture To Keep & What to Let Go Of
    • Learn The Best Position For You In Your Space
    • Recognize blockages & How To Remove Them
    • Feel Confident & Supported Moving Forward In Your Business
    • + Updates + Bonuses


 + Private Interactive Facebook group



~ Creating Conscious Spaces serving clients worldwide ~